About the Land
Washoe County Parks and Open Space has entrusted us to steward this parcel of land we've fondly named Park Farm. By using regenerative practices, we show our community that no matter the size or situation of the land around you, you can live and work in a way that cares for
& works with our natural resources.

We acknowledge that this land was forcibly transitioned from the traditional homelands of the Wa She Shu (Washoe), Numu (Northern Paiute), Newe (Western Shoshone) and Nuwu (Southern Paiute) people of the Great Basin through the unjust mechanism of colonialism. We appreciate the opportunity to live and learn on these indigenous homelands. We are devoted to returning the land back to the common good and to be in relationship with the land for the well being of current ecosystems as well as future generations.
About the Land
Our 5 acre urban farm is just a slice of Betsy Caughlin Donnelly Park, a 30-acre parcel of historic ranchland maintained by Washoe County. The land we farm is the last vestiges of what was once the 6000-acre Caughlin Ranch. Betsy Caughlin Donnelly, the last owner of the ranch, was a steward of the land and valued our agrarian heritage. Rather than selling off the entire ranch to developers, in 1991 she gifted the remaining 30 acres to the County, with a deed restriction that the property could not be sold or developed and must remain agricultural. For more information on Betsy and Reno’s rich ranching history, click here.